Monday, October 15, 2007

The Passing Of The Grey Company - Pitch #2

War awaits in gondor, and they are desperate for aid. Rohan, musters the troops as many and quick as possible. But Aragorn knows that what rohan will muster is not enough to overcome mordor's power and he knows that Gondor won't win this war if he dosn't stop the men of the south in the anduin river. He is given word to take the road to dimholt road, where the impure souls of the living dead lies in the mountains. But, no one has ever cameback from taking that road. Regardless of that, Legolas, Gimli, the twin archers Elladan and Elrohir will follow Aragorn's path. Everyhour is hasting Gondor's defeat, Aragorn must move and get to the city in two days, but will he ever come back from such a deep and dangerous journey?

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